iOS 14.7 beta lets you set timers on HomePod using the Home app

Filipe Espósito, 9to5Mac:

When you go to the HomePod settings in the Home app with the latest version of iOS, there’s now the option to set timers right from there without having to ask Siri. This new option is located right below the HomePod alarms.

Obviously, you could long (since iOS 12) set timers using Siri. But now you can see the timers count down, at a glance. I use Siri timers when I’m cooking and I always have to ask Siri “How much time?” to get a sense of things.

After adding the timer, you can see the countdown for all of them in the Home app and cancel them from there as well. In addition to iOS 14.7, this also requires HomePod Software 14.7 installed on your HomePods.

Really glad to see this interface. Once you go beyond a single timer, asking Siri about timers is just awkward. This is a great add.