I mailed an AirTag and tracked its progress; Here’s what happened

Kirk McElhearn followed up on a video we posted last week, did his own experiment.

A lot of detail here, a fascinating read. One thing that jumped out at me was from a comment posted on Hacker News in response to Kirk’s article:

I just left my dog (her leash has an AirTag on it) with my parents on 5/8, and presumably the leash was sitting in their home somewhere.

They took her to the dog park on 5/9, and got the notification that an AirTag was following them. So I was gone for a little over 24 hours, but they only got the notification after they took the leash with them for a couple hours and then went home.


I believe the 3 days is for the audible beeping when it’s moved, but they haven’t seen that yet and they marked it as “pause safety alerts” so I’m not sure if it’ll still beep.

Here’s a link to the image, showing the notification.