Two college roommates and some robots: How Podswap replaces AirPod batteries


Like most AirPod owners, Emily Alpert found that, after 18 months, her wireless buds didn’t last, not even for one full run. Unlike most AirPod owners, Alpert, along with her best friend, got a robot to fix her problem.

That’s what started Podswap, a startup that replaces your AirPods, first or second-generation, for $60. First you get a thoroughly cleaned and refurbished pair sent to you, then you mail Podswap your dead pods. It’s like a SodaStream canister exchange, but for headphones that might otherwise be headed to a landfill.

Definitely going to give this a try. Love the concept.

Watch the video below to get a sense of the battery replacement process. Very interesting. And though the audio might be a bit annoying, I find it amazing how good artificial audio actually sounds.

[H/T, Ben LaGuire]