John Gruber on Apple TV+ “out-HBO-ing HBO”

John Gruber:

When one company dominates an industry, and whose meteoric rise to the top remains fresh in everyone’s minds, it’s human nature to measure all competitors through a filter skewed by that leader. In streaming premium video content, that leader whose meteoric rise remains fresh-in-mind is Netflix. “How does Apple TV+ make sense for $5 a month when Netflix is like $13?” That’s a question a lot of people asked. Me too! There are competitors who, whether they admit it or not, are trying to out-Netflix Netflix, and are probably (and in most cases, definitely) going to fail. Netflix is popular and successful because they’re really good at being Netflix.

Apple TV+ isn’t trying to out-Netflix Netflix. They’re out-HBO-ing HBO

Just a reminder: Apple TV+ is not quite one year old. Sunday marks their one year anniversary. What they’ve achieved is astonishing. They’ve got a bonafide smash hit in Ted Lasso, a true tentpole series, a notable collection of other shows, diversified enough so that there’s surely a few other shows to grab your interest.

A few of my favorites:

  • Ted Lasso (of course)
  • Tehran (riveting thriller)
  • Defending Jacob (legal suspense)
  • Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet (comedy, my second fave)
  • Home Before Dark (family mystery)
  • Long Way Up (travel, motorcycles, tech)

I would recommend all six of these shows without hesitation. HBO quality. But, as Gruber would say, out-HBO-ing HBO.

And this is all in less than a year. Let’s not forget all the amazing shows that are coming, including the notable signup of Jon Stewart. As you no doubt are tired of hearing me say, I am even more bullish on Apple TV+.