Apple wants your iPhone to replace your passport and driver’s license


The next step in Apple’s goal of making the iPhone the sole thing anyone has to carry, continues with the device being able to securely replace passports, driver’s licenses, and other physical forms of identification.

Apple most recently announced a plan to rid the world of car keys, but the iPhone has already made us forget what it’s like to carry diaries, cameras, pens, and even mirrors. Now the company is focusing on getting rid of passports — plus library cards, ski passes, and ID cards in general.

I’m sure that kind of world is coming fairly soon and maybe I’m just a curmudgeon but there is no way I would do this. I’ve lost/forgotten my phone too many times to allow something as important as my passport to reside on it. Now, if it means I’d have my passport or driver’s license handy but use the iPhone for ease of use, then I can see that. But I would never let it replace (as in, leave at home) those things. Hell, I still carry around credit cards for those still all-too-frequent times when I can’t use my iPhone.