Inside Amazon’s full-size grocery store with no cashiers or checkout lines

Kurt Schlosser, GeekWire:

Two years after launching a chain of convenience stores without cashiers or checkout lines, Amazon is opening its first “Amazon Go Grocery” store in Seattle on Tuesday morning, enlarging the footprint for surveillance-style shopping and signaling a larger challenge to the broader world of brick-and-mortar retail.

Surveillance-style shopping! Gotta remember that one.

You enter the store and scan a QR-code, which is tied to your account, lets you pay for your groceries. Once you’re in:

Hundreds of cameras in the ceiling overhead make up the key technological component of the just-walk-out concept.


The cameras are keeping track of those “interactions” with the product and know exactly what is being taken off shelves and put back. Allowing people to do this type of “considered shopping” plays into the Go Grocery concept of making sure that customers don’t have to do anything unnatural when it comes to how they shop.

This is an incredibly difficult problem to solve. Not to mention the ethical problems involved in eliminating certain jobs from the chain. Great for Amazon’s financials, not so great for the humans involved.

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.