Mac360 founder with ALS says goodbye

Ron McElfresh, Mac360 founder:

A few years ago I came down with an odd neuromuscular disorder that has slowly become debilitating. After 18 months of tests with a dozen different doctors I was referred to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. More doctors and extensive tests confirmed a preliminary diagnosis of ALS. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Think of it as a slow-motion death sentence where muscles begin to waste away and tasks as simple as tying shoelaces or buttoning a shirt or standing become major accomplishments.


My spirits are high (most of the time). I’ve led a good life, worked hard, and appreciate the loving support from family and friends, but I know– and feel– the end is near.

That means I can no longer continue to run Mac360 and the Apple Villagers websites as they are today.


Here’s a link to a GoFundMe to help defray Ron’s medical expenses.