The Rewound app made your iPhone look like an iPod. Apple killed it.


We launched an App that let you customize your iPhone to look like a 2000s era MP3 player. As Rewound grew exponentially across the world from Japan to China to Iran to Russia and the rest of mainland Europe, Apple KILLED it.

Amazing how quickly this app spread. The power of nostalgia. Why did Apple kill it?

  1. Copying iPod Design
  2. Charging for Apple Music features
  3. People would mistake it for Apple product

The company behind Rewound is floating a campaign to fund a new web-based version of the app. Not the same.


We can’t update the app to get it re-approved without breaking the app for all 170,000+ users.

An interesting feature of the App Store. Apple takes an app down, but they do not take the app off your device.