There’s just not enough delight in the world. Take a minute and wheel over to the Playdate web site and check out Panic’s new shiny. It’s delightful.
From the site:
We love video games.
We love the places they take us and the feelings they give us. We’ve grown up with them. It sounds silly, but they really mean a lot to us.
We reached out to some top game designers, like Keita Takahashi and Zach Gage and Bennett Foddy and Shaun Inman.
We showed them Playdate and asked, “Want to make a game for it?”. Then we lost our minds when they said “Yeah!”
This is something special. Like watching the birth of Nintendo. It’s a grand, delightful experiment.
For $149, you get the Playdate hardware, crank and all (scroll down to the crank picture and click to turn on the sound to get a sense of what that’s all about), and a game a week for 12 weeks. Presumably, there will be follow-on subscription pricing for the game-a-week after that. And who knows, if this works, follow-on hardware.
If you’ve never experienced Panic’s game prowess, check out Firewatch. It’s on my shortlist of favorite indie games. Full of delight. And, if I’m not mistaken, there’s a Playdate in the game itself. A time-traveling Easter egg?
And if you don’t know Teenage Engineering (the hardware side of this collaboration), check out their synthesizers. Full of delight.
And if you are on still on the fence about Playdate, check out John Gruber’s take. He gets it.
Can’t wait.