I’ve spoken with a few people who’ve had the issue. One comment:
Well it was fine to begin with but my problem just started after several months usage, so it might have been after an update.
— Don McAllister (@donmcallister) April 3, 2019
It was not a simple process to get it replaced.
Many hoops were jumped through!
Hopefully, this is a software issue introduced by the latest iOS update.
Not a fan of Apple not acknowledging hardware issues. Once an issue surfaces more than a few times in forums, that should be enough for Apple to address it in some way. I get that there’s a liability issue for Apple, that taking responsibility can affect the outcome of future lawsuits. But if a user brings in their iPad Pro with a stuttering issue, and a link to the linked MacRumors article, shouldn’t that be enough for:
- A hassle free repair or swap out.
- Interest within an Apple Store to get their hands on a malfunctioning device they can send back to Apple Park so they can get to the heart of the matter.
As is, many hoops were jumped through.