Director Todd Douglas Miller crafts a gorgeous documentary Apollo 11 out of never-before-seen NASA footage, restoring the 50-year-old footage into what the director has called “the highest quality digital collection of Apollo 11 footage in existence.”
Miller and his team digitized unprocessed, never-before-seen 65mm footage that was recently discovered in the National Archives along with 11,000 hours of uncatalogued NASA audio recordings to create Apollo 11, a documentary which critics are calling “like science made into a dream,” and a film that will make you “overcome by the sheer enormity of what it meant to leave the Earth and land somewhere else.”
The footage in this trailer is incredible. The story says, “It will open in theaters sometime in 2019.” It has to. 2019 is the 50th anniversary of this seminal event. It would be a travesty if this documentary didn’t make it to theaters this year.