Siobhan Thompson:
This is it. You finally made it to the corner office. You’re the second youngest VP in your whole company (but technically the other one got his job through nepotism, so…). You’ve worked super hard, made sacrifices, been ruthless, and here you are, looking out on the East River
Sure, it’s Long Island City and not Manhattan, but you can’t see the Chrysler building from inside the Chrysler building, you know?
As you take a moment to bask, you notice a smoke trail arc down from the sky. It’s… it’s fast. And it’s headed for the river. What do you do?
You check Twitter to see what everyone else is saying. You’ve just clicked over to trending topics and seen that #EastRiverAsteroid is trending when
I gotta say, I was enthralled by this. It’s been playing out, one tweet at a time, on Twitter over the past 24+ hours. Great story. I hope there’s a sequel.