CNET: >I’ve raved about Etymotic ER4 in-ear headphones many times on this blog, because it’s one of the most neutral and accurate in-ear headphones you can buy without breaking the bank. Up until now, meet the ER4’s even more affordable little brother, the ER3. > >It looks similar to the ER4, and like that headphone the ER3 uses a single balanced armature driver housed in a precision machined metal ear piece.
The main difference between the two ‘phones is the ER4’s drivers are made in the US, while the ER3’s are made in Asia. Etymotic technicians match ER4’s left and right channel drivers to extremely close tolerances, within 1 dB from 100 Hz to 10 kHz., the ER3’s driver tolerances aren’t specified.
I’ve always been a big fan of not only the company Etymotic but also the people I’ve met there.
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