The Verge (via DF):
Samsung is getting criticized by hypebeasts everywhere after it claimed to be collaborating with Supreme; in reality, it partnered with a Supreme rip-off. Samsung is actually partnering with a fake legal brand, a rival company based in Barletta, Italy, that beat Supreme NYC in a court case this summer regarding who can use the brand name in Italy.
Supreme is a well known fashion brand, established in New York City. To get a sense of the brand, take a look at the jacket on this page, as well as their iconic logo.
A copycat Supreme brand sprung up in Italy. SupremeNYC sued them, the Italian court ruled for the copycat, with the words:
For an action to be a crime it is not sufficient the confusion between the two brands, nor the actual external similarity of the product.
So Samsung announced a deal with Supreme, but were actually partnering with the copycat. Oh, Samsung.