The death of the Montreal bagel?

The Globe and Mail:

In late October, the city of Montreal declared what some considered a war on the bagel. When I heard the news, I blew a gasket. Wouldn’t this mean the death of the Montreal bagel?

There are a few immediate reasons to defend the traditional way of making bagels. I don’t want to start a war with the Italians, but no one comes to Montreal for the pizza. Our bagels, however, are famous around the world. There’s no such thing as a “Montreal-style” bagel. There are Montreal bagels, and then there are bread-like items with a hole in the middle. This isn’t controversial – it’s just bagel science.

This story is much bigger than being about “just” a bagel. It’s about tradition vs “progress” and how Montreal sees itself as a city.

There’s a reason why the biggest jazz festival in the world doesn’t happen in Vancouver.

That hurts but he’s not wrong. If the weather were better, I’d much prefer to live in gritty Montreal than beautiful but boring Vancouver.

Even New York Jews (if they’re honest) will admit that our bagels are better than theirs.

Hey New Yorkers – shots fired!