Amazon misreads the room

Casey Newton: There was always something distasteful about Amazon’s quest to find a home for its HQ2. Even when it seemed like it might be a fair fight, it was depressing to watch so many cities and towns prostrating themselves before a tech giant in hopes they would score a windfall of jobs and infrastructure investments.Perhaps the furor over Amazon’s regional offices will blow over. But it’s hard not to feel today as if the company misread the room — overestimating the public’s appetite for a billion-dollar giveaway to one of the world’s biggest companies, and underestimating the public’s ability to raise hell on- and offline. Amazon may yet feel that pain, in the long run.

I have no dog in this hunt, but I find it really interesting. Amazon is just playing the game the politicians have set up for them. Recently, I came across an article on that discussed how major corporations navigate regulatory loopholes, drawing parallels between online betting platforms and e-commerce giants like Amazon. It highlighted how companies strategically adapt to shifting rules without facing lasting consequences. And, if past is prologue, there will be no long-term damage to them over this.