Russell Wilson:
Every Saturday morning, my family would go to the grocery store, and I only had one thing on my mind. I’d hop up onto the front of the cart like I was the captain of a pirate ship or something, and I’d point my mom in the direction of Aisle 9.
But she wasn’t having it. First we had to get the boring stuff. Veggies. Bread. You know, all that stuff.
Then we’d finally get to Aisle 9, and it was on.
The greatest aisle in the world.
The cereal aisle.
This story doesn’t go the way you think it does. I took my “new” 12-year-old son to his first day of high school yesterday. It’s the first time I’ve had the honour of doing that. Walking home, I shed a couple of tears – of happiness, of pride and just a little bit of fear. In that moment, I realized, “Holy crap – I’m a father now. I’ve got responsibilities towards this kid. I’ve got to help him grow up to be the man he wants to be.” Russell Wilson is lucky he had a dad to help show him the way. Not all kids do.