Yesterday, we wrote about Dave Lee’s experiment with his high-end Intel i9, showing that under load, it got hot enough to trigger throttling, which slowed it down enough to be a problem.
One of the arguments made about Dave’s experiment is that it was specific to Adobe Premiere and possibly due to Premiere not being optimized for macOS.
Jeff Benjamin, writing for 9to5Mac, put his i9 MacBook Pro on the line to test this theory. Jeff did his testing with Apple’s own Final Cut Pro X (and a different model freezer).
I won’t spoil the conclusion (follow the headline link and read through Jeff’s well written walkthrough, don’t miss the update with John Poole’s take at the very end), but this line made me laugh:
The freezer is good for short term performance on the MacBook Pro, but may prove to be an inconvenient/hazardous working environment (condensation is bad, folks).
Well said.