This stripped-down blogging tool exemplifies antisocial media

Wired: has no social mechanics. None. No Like button, no Share button, no comments. No feed showing which posts are most popular. Each post has a tag telling search engines not to index it, so it won’t even show up on Google. The only way anyone will see it is if you send them the URL or post it somewhere. is a tool for putting stuff online—but without the usual features to help something become a pass-around hit.

I call it antiviral design.

I’m a big fan of “antisocial” media. I don’t track stats, I don’t care if someone “likes” what I post and I have no idea how many followers I have on Twitter (and don’t care). Whatever I post on social media, I post because I like it, not because I care what anyone else thinks.

This might be a tool for people who just want to get thoughts online without having to worry about all the detritus that comes with it. My fiance (soon to be wife!) is semi-interested in blogging but has zero interest in learning about SEO, WordPress, HTML, etc. This might be the perfect site for her.