Brian Ashcraft, Kotaku:
Customs officials in Shenzhen, China have arrested a woman with 102 iPhones stuffed into her clothing.
Shenzhen borders Hong Kong, and, over the years, customs officials have arrested all sorts of smugglers.
According to XMNN, customs officials recently stopped a woman after noticing that the way her body bulged appeared strange. The officials searched her, discovering she was allegedly smuggling 102 iPhones of various models as well as 15 luxury wrist watches. The total weight of her haul was over 44 pounds.
Not sure what drove this particular smuggler. Was it a price disparity between iPhone values in Hong Kong and Shenzhen? More an issue of scarcity? A combination of both?
What I found most fascinating was the picture with the smuggler and the two border agents. The smuggler’s face is pixellated, the agents’ faces are not. And the smuggler is pointing to the iPhones, all laid out in front of her. Was she made to do this? It feels less mug shot, more selfie.