Watch the latest SpaceX launch, a historic first stage relanding

If you have even the slightest interest in space and rocketry, take a minute to watch the latest SpaceX launch. This is the first time a previously launched rocket has been reused. This will change the equation, make it much cheaper to launch a satellite. Amazing accomplishment.

You can watch the launch here.

If you just want the launch itself, jump to about 18:45 in. The landing of stage 1 back on Of Course I Still Love You (the drone ship) is a little trickier, as the video feed was cut off due to a line of sight issue, but jump to about 27:30 in to get the crew reaction. First there’s a groan of disappointment as the folks watching find out the video cut out, but then…well, watch for yourself.

I absolutely love what SpaceX has accomplished here. They have changed the future of space exploration.