Do you have an iPhone 6s or newer? Try this:
- Unlock your phone.
- Press your thumb on the left bezel (the black framing on the left side of the front of the phone) and press.
As you press, the force touch will reveal just a bit of the stack of apps you are running. Press with a bit more force, and that view will go full screen, as if you had double pressed the home button.
Not sure when this feature first came out, but it seems little enough known that I thought this was worth a post.
I wish Apple would let me switch over to the right side. I also wish I could assign this specific force touch to other aspects of the iOS interface.
For example, imagine if I could use that gesture to undo the last autocorrect, no matter the app. You’d be typing along and notice that iOS changed a word to, say, ducking. Not what you wanted. So you give a quick force touch and your original word is automatically put back in place, without your typing cursor being moved (so you can just keep typing).
Just an idea.