The iPad Pro starts at $799 and features an ARM A9X processor. The entry level Surface Pro 4 is $899 and comes with an Intel Core M3 processor. That seems a fair comparison.
Apple Insider ran Primate Labs’ Geekbench 3.3.2 benchmarks on a number of machines, including the entry level Surface Pro 4 and the iPad Pro. In a nutshell, the iPad Pro smoked the Surface Pro 4.
From the article:
Even Apple’s $499 iPad Air 2 beats the $899 Surface Pro 4 in multicore tests, while scoring slightly lower in single core performance, and delivers that compairable performance with a price tag that’s $400 lower.
To get a Surface Pro 4 that has more CPU power than iPad Pro, you have to upgrade to the $1299 version powered by an Intel Core i5, which costs as much as Apple’s 13 inch MacBook Pro. However, the i5-powered Surface Pro 4 costs $500 more than an iPad Pro.
As has been widely discussed, Apple is packing a lot of muscle in the iPad lineup. Use cases aside, the iPad Pro certainly has a laptop class processor.