Beautiful photos of first Jony Ive designed Apple Store

Dave Smith, writing for Tech Insider:

In September, a new Apple Store opened in Brussels. But this is not your typical Apple Store you’d find at the mall.

Located in the heart of Belgium, this new location was designed by Sir Jony Ive, Apple’s design genius who ultimately controls how the company’s bestselling hardware and software looks and feels.

Though Apple cofounder Steve Jobs is famously known for partially designing many of the Apple Stores, including their signature glass staircases, Jony Ive has never designed an Apple Store until now, believe it or not.

It’s not the biggest Apple Store we’ve seen, but it definitely feels like Jony Ive’s work: Simple, elegant, and friendly.

Check out the images. This is an incredibly beautifully designed store. My favorite is the shot of the front corner of the outside, showing off the huge, curved glass panels.

[H/T John Kordyback]