There are a boatload of Twitter clients for OS X. Apple Watch? So far, according to the linked article, there are three: The official Twitter client, Twitterrific 5, and Tweetings 2.
One notable absentee from this list is Tweetbot. As of the writing of this post, there is no information available on whether or not Tapbot’s flagship will be coming to Apple Watch. When and if it (or any other app) does, we’ll update this list to reflect the new Twitter app order. But even then, the Twitter client you use on your Apple Watch will most likely be the same one you use on your iPhone, just in a much more personal fashion.
I asked Paul Haddad (lead developer for Tapbots) about his plans for Tweetbot for Apple Watch. His reply was twofold. First, he’s waiting to get his hands on an Apple Watch (looks to me like his order will arrive tomorrow).
But Paul also made this point. The most critical element of a Twitter app are the notifications you receive. As it turns out, Tweetbot has long been part of the Apple Watch demo experience, as evidenced by the video in this post. That’s a Tweetbot notification, about 30 seconds in.
Certainly a custom Twitter client will give you more control over your tweets, but it is worth knowing that as long as your existing Twitter client makes use of the Notification Manager, you’ll get those notifications on your wrist, too.
You can read the whole Twitter exchange here.