This is Yahoo’s latest twist on two factor authentication. You log in to your Yahoo account and enable on-demand passwords (described in this Yahoo blog post). You get a verification code via text, enter it, and you are signed up – On-demand passwords are enabled and your device is verified.
Now, the next time you login, you’ll have the option of having a temporary password texted to your verified device.
On the plus side, this is definitely a convenience if you find yourself without your password. Perhaps you are traveling and want to log in on the hotel’s computer and you don’t want to enter your real password. A temporary password is an ideal solution here.
On the down side, I took this system for a test ride and I found the instructions to not match up with reality. As if the Yahoo blogger who wrote out the instructions never thought to try them out in real life. Once I figured out the signup process and worked out how to actually get to that elusive “send me my on-demand password” button, all worked as advertised.
Interesting idea.
[Via The Guardian]