Bracket is a Kickstarter for a cable dock, specific to the MacBook Pro Retina. Here’s a picture:
As you can see, Bracket is a clamshell designed to receive the standard set of cables you’d plug into the side of your MacBook Pro Retina (power, two Thunderbolt, USB, headphones). If you go back and forth from one desk to another (I do this several times a day), this is a bit of a time saver. Rather than locate all the different ends and plug them in, then unplug them when it’s time to move on, Bracket wraps that process into a single plug-in.
The market for Bracket is certainly limited, at its upper end by those folks with a MacBook Pro Retina, and perhaps bounded further by people who care about such efficiencies and have the Danish krones (about $39) to spare. But count me in that latter group. You had me at aluminium.