Ben Thompson makes the case that the Digital Hub is a moving target, starting with the TV, then moving to the iPhone, then, possibly the iWatch, presuming such a thing exists.
The post is thought provoking, absolutely worth reading, though I do disagree with a premise here or there. For example:
My question last week – How Much Will CarPlay Cost – was not an idle one. Most readers – and I include myself in this group – presume that CarPlay is, as I wrote, “a strategy that is based more on propping up the iPhone than on building a separate revenue stream.”
Time will tell, of course, but I think this is not about propping up the iPhone at all. This is about extending the reach of iOS and Apple’s ecosystem. As the reach of the internet becomes continuous rather than a choppy collection of discrete elements, the iPhone might not be needed at all. The center of Apple’s star network is the cloud, not the iPhone. That’s my 2 cents.
Good read, nonetheless. [Via The Rajam Report]