China change brings huge opportunities for Xbox One, PS4, and Apple

A single change made by China’s State Council will bring huge opportunities to the video game industry.

For the past 13 years, the sale of video game consoles was banned in China. China’s State Council has now decided that video game consoles can be sold across the entire country so long as the foreign companies establish sales and production operations in Shanghai’s new free trade zone.

The only caveat here is that PS4 and Xbox One may not see the benefits of the new market for a few years. The new policies will roll out over the course of the following three years. It’s still a savvy move on China’s part. Console manufacturers and game developers would love to leverage China’s population of 1.4 billion people as new customers, and China would love to get its new trade zone brimming with successful, modern businesses.

At the same time, Apple shifted their China iPhone release policy.

The iPhone 5 sold around five million units through the opening weekend, while the 5S and 5C sold around nine million units combined during its opening weekend, with the 5S significantly outselling the 5C. Did the addition of a new, somewhat gaudy gold color and an easily-bypassed fingerprint scanner really make four million sales worth of a difference? Perhaps, but the 5S (and 5C) was the first time Apple began selling iPhones in China on release day, rather than after a long delay.

Editorial aside, the point is worth noting that China is opening up their markets and Apple was quick to take advantage of that fact. This is a huge change to the tech sector and, I think, just the tip of the iceberg.