Every time you mention the fact that another loser competitor copied Apple, you always get the argument that “Apple didn’t invent that.” That may be true, but let’s look at some of the things that Apple didn’t invent, but made better.
Apple didn’t invent the smartphone, but it made it better.
Apple didn’t invent the mobile OS, but it made it better.
Apple didn’t invent the computer, but it made it better.
Apple didn’t invent the laptop, but it made it better.
Apple didn’t invent the ultra thin laptop, but it… oh wait, yes it did.
Apple didn’t invent the tablet, but it made it better.
Apple didn’t invent the cloud, but it made it better.
Apple didn’t invent consumer software, but it made it better.
Apple didn’t invent the computer operating system, but it made it better.
Apple didn’t invent the MP3 player, but it made it better.
Apple didn’t invent online purchasing, but it made it better.