Apple CEO Steve Jobs on Tuesday was named MarketWatch’s CEO of the Decade for bringing Apple out of the technology doldrums and sparking a strong of hits that have made it one of the most successful companies in the world.
[ad#Google Adsense 300×250 in story]”The resurrection of Apple is just the most astounding story that’s probably happened in business in at least a decade — you might be able to go further and say it’s a half-century,” Roger Kay, president of Endpoint Technologies, told MarketWatch. “It’s on par with Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell in terms of its total impact.”
Jobs’ accomplishments in the last 10 years include the introduction of the iPod, iTunes Music Store, iPhone, the App Store and the iPad. That doesn’t even touch on the technological innovation Apple has lead in software, design and making the Mac a best-seller.
When Jobs returned to Apple in the late 1990s he drastically reduced the amount of products the company was working and gave its employees focus. That led to the string of successes that has entire industries following its lead.
Apple still does things different. Jobs refuses to follow the pack or release a product because everyone else has one. He pushes his employees to achieve something greater; to change the way we think about technology.