The PlayBook hasn’t even been released and RIM is already giving it away.
[ad#Google Adsense 300×250 in story]Research in Motion (RIM) is accepting apps from developers for its, as yet unreleased, BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. To sweeten the deal for developers, the company is offering them a free PlayBook of their own.
Of course, there are some conditions. First and foremost, the app must be submitted and approved for distribution prior to the launch of the PLayBook in North America.
“Interest and momentum behind the BlackBerry PlayBook continues to build and we are thrilled with the positive response from both the developer community and our customers,” said Tyler Lessard, VP Global Alliances & Developer Relations at Research In Motion. “With its groundbreaking performance and robust support for industry standard development tools, the BlackBerry PlayBook provides an exceptional platform that appeals to a wide range of mobile app developers, including Adobe AIR and Flash developers, HTML web developers, corporate developers and application hobbyists.”
There is a limit of one PlayBook per registered developer, although the company says you can submit multiple apps.