∞ Munster: Steve Jobs will likely keynote music event

Apple on Monday sent out invitations to a special event being held in San Francisco on September 9. While nobody knows the details, Piper Jaffray Senior Research Analyst, Gene Munster, expects Apple CEO Steve Jobs to host the event. Apple Music Event InviteIn a research note to clients on Tuesday, Munster said he expects Jobs to announce new a new iPod nano, iPod touch and iPod Classic, all with cameras. He also expects a new version of iTunes with integrated social networking and changes to the iTunes Store.

“It is difficult to confirm the magnitude or timing of content changes, given the related negotiations with content owners, but some possibilities include new music features with richer album artwork,” said Munster.

One product that won’t be at the event is the rumored tablet. The Loop has already confirmed that the tablet will not be part of the the September event.

If Jobs were to key note the music event, it would be his first public appearance since taking a leave of absence in January for a liver transplant.