∞ MacSpeech targets Doctors with new Dictate

I remember meeting with MacSpeech in January 2008 to get a demo of the brand new speech recognition engine and being very skeptical. Turns out, I was wrong–it worked very well. MacSpeech Dictate MedicalA year and a half later MacSpeech is bringing out a new product targeted specifically to doctors. MacSpeech Dictate Medical has vocabularies for more than 54 medical and dental specialities.

I have to think that this is going to be a great product for doctors. Some of the doctors I know are adopting technology in their offices like touchscreen computers and speech recognition now, so having a product that speaks their language will be a bonus.

MacSpeech Dictate Medical costs $595 for new users, $345 for current owners of MacSpeech Dictate 1.5, and US$395 for current owners of MacSpeech Dictate 1.3.