
BBEdit celebrates 20th anniversary

Jason Snell:

Thursday marks the 20th anniversary of the venerable Mac text-editing app BBEdit. I’m sure there are other apps not published by a gigantic company that have managed to last as long, but I’m not sure that any app has changed with the times and remained as relevant as BBEdit.

I’ve been using BBEdit for 18 years to build Web sites and do my daily writing. It is and indispensable tool.

Congrats to Rich and the crew at Bare Bones Software and thanks for such a great piece of software.

BBEdit 10.1.1

The BBEdit 10.1.1 update includes improvements to the recently introduced Open File By Name feature, enhancements to projects, and contains fixes for reported issues in this award-winning HTML and text editor.

I’ve been using BBEdit since about 1996. Love it.