
iOS how-to: Get rid of junk files and recover storage space

Christian Zibreg, writing for iDownloadBlog, talks you through the process of clearing caches and other methods of eliminating cruft from your iOS device. Scan through it, take what’s useful, pass it along.

Check4Change, polls a web page for changes

Want to be notified when a web page changes? For example, want to know the exact second the Apple TV goes from “coming soon” to “actually on sale”? Read on.

How to delete the iTunes Apple Music cache to save drive space

Kirk McElhearn, on the iTunes Apple Music cache:

If you use Apple Music on your computer, you’ll find that the more you listen to music, the more your hard drive’s free space dwindles. Even if you don’t save music for offline listening, iTunes stores what you listen to in a cache.

Read on for the details. It’s short/easy, but non-obvious.

Things you should try with your Apple Watch

This is one of those lists that likely has a number of things you already know. But it’s worth reading, just for that one little nugget that’s new to you.

Flash. Must. Die.

Manipulative headline aside, this Wired piece by Brian Barrett is a good read. The first half focuses on the state of the union on Flash and the second half talks you through the process of controlling/eliminating Flash.

Speedy file transfers using IP over Thunderbolt

Plenty of ways to transfer files between computers, but thought this approach was worth knowing about: Dan Moren, writing for Six Colors, walks you through the process of direct file transfer using IP via Thunderbolt cable.

Be your own Genius

the best repairs are the ones you do yourself. To that end, spend a few minutes reading Joe Caiati’s Mac troubleshooting guide, posted on 512 Pixels.

Joe is a former Apple Genius and writes from hard-won experience.

Getting Apple to call you

Apple has inserted an immediate callback option in the path to scheduling a Genius Bar appointment. Also, a tip on fixing a wonky trackpad.

How to set up and use Handoff for Yosemite and iOS 8

Handoff is a new feature that lets you edit a document on one device, then continue editing on another device. Sarah Guarino does a nice job walking through the requirements and setup, then takes Handoff through its paces.

How to upgrade to Yosemite

Ready to upgrade to Yosemite? First thing to do is make sure your hardware will support the upgrade.

Using predictive text to quickly Capitalize or ALL-CAPS a word


If you are editing some text in iOS and spot a word you meant to capitalize (e.g., May instead of may), the old approach was to press and hold, then slide the cursor to just after the letter to be capitalized, then hit delete and retype the letter.

In iOS 8, there’s a better way.

Deleting documents stored on iCloud

Kirk McElhearn talks through the process of deleting iCloud documents from iOS and the Mac.

On the iOS side, he’s right on the money. But on the Mac side, there actually is a parallel interface. Read the post for more.

Gmail has a mute button

I did not know this. Gmail makes it easy to drop out of a reply all email thread. Great idea.

How to use Voice Search with the Apple TV

When Amazon introduced the Fire TV yesterday, much was made about the ability to do voice search on the device. In the linked post, Kirk McElhearn walks through the process of doing the same thing on Apple TV, using the iOS Remote app. Cool beans.