
Castro 2 and quick podcast-episode triage

Jason Snell, writing for Six Colors:

The thing that makes Castro 2 stand out is its approach to curating your podcast playlist. New episodes of subscribed podcasts appear in the app’s Inbox tab, in chronological order with the most recent item at the top. You tap on an episode to reveal a horizontal toolbar of action buttons, which let you quickly play the episode, add it to the bottom or top of your podcast queue, or banish it to the archive.

The net effect of this is quick podcast-episode triage, all focused around a single playlist.

As always, solid writing by Jason.

On a related note, I think there’s room in the podcast player space for better discovery, for more, “if you like this, you’ll like that” or for tools that let you walk the tree of podcasts to make your way into an area of interest, whether that be startup mechanics, sports, or interviews with celebrities.


I’ve been listening to a podcast called Startup, now in its third season. Head to the main post for a link to the website and a link to the iTunes preview page.

Startup tells the story of itself, the startup of a podcast and media empire, from back of the napkin idea, through the pursuit of funding, and onward, with all the warts and blemishes shared for all the world to see.

The host is Alex Blumberg, longtime producer for This American Life. He’s also the founder and CEO of the startup at the center of this podcast.

If you are interested in the mechanics of building a startup, or a fan of podcasting, this is a brilliant show, well worth your time. I won’t spoil it with details about Alex’s journey, but suffice it to say that the journey is both fascinating and extremely well told.

If you want to give this a try, start at the very beginning, with season 1, episode 1. Order matters here.

iMore 355: An episode of hoarders

Jim Metzendorf joins Rene Ritchie and Peter Cohen to talk about Logic Pro X, the new Mac Pro and U.S. carriers’ new upgrade plans.

Peter on The Apple Context Machine podcast

Peter’s a guest on The Apple Context Machine’s 200th podcast, along with Bryan Chaffin and Jeff Gamet (several other guests are on this week’s episode too)


Daniel Jalkut of Red Sweater Software has launched a new podcast; the inaugural episode features an interview with developer and Çingleton Symposium promoter Guy English.

Geek It Up Radio episode 11

Peter joined Chris Stanton and Gene Marques on their “Geek It Up Radio” podcast this week.

∞ This week in podcasting on The Loop

Jim Dalrymple and Peter Cohen were featured on several podcasts this week. If you’re interested in hearing them share their opinions on various topics, here’s where you can find them.