If you haven’t already, take a few minutes to update all your iOS 9 devices to iOS 9.3.5. If you have an iOS 10 beta installed, best to keep up with the latest betas, but this message is really for folks running iOS 9.x or earlier.
Why the press to update?
From the Lookout security blog:
Citizen Lab (Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto) and Lookout have uncovered an active threat using three critical iOS zero-day vulnerabilities that, when exploited, form an attack chain that subverts even Apple’s strong security environment. We call these vulnerabilities “Trident.” Our two organizations have worked directly with Apple’s security team, which was very responsive and immediately fixed all three Trident iOS vulnerabilities in its 9.3.5 patch.
Update your iPhones and iPads, then make sure your family and friends know about this. Please pass this along.