Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy, COSMOS, Ted, lots of other stuff) does a Reddit AMA

Big, big fan of Seth MacFarlane. He is one talented individual.

Some favorite questions:

Q: How is it recording an extended scene with yourself, like the episode of family guy where Stewie and Brian get locked in a bank vault? Do you do it all at once? Is there anyone else around? Is it weird?
Seth: Often I’ll record one voice first, leaving pauses for the other character’s lines. I’ll then play back the first character in my headphones while voicing the second character, so it feels like I’m playing opposite another actor.

Q: If we were to discover evidence of alien life in the next 50 years which would you prefer it to be; intelligent life somewhere in our galaxy, or microbial life somewhere in our solar system?
Seth: I’d like to see intelligent life discovered here in Los Angeles. (slowly takes a sip of beverage while never breaking eye contact with you)

Q: What is the one MAIN thing you want viewers to take away from watching Cosmos?
Seth: Always think critically. The more incredible the claim, the more concrete the proof we should demand before accepting it. Oh, and let’s rebuild our space program.

Lots more. Follow the link and enjoy.