Tami Reller, Microsoft’s chief of marketing, spoke at a Goldman Sachs tech conference yesterday. She was asked about bringing Office to other mobile platforms. Last October, Steve Ballmer committed to bringing Office to iPad. Seems like Reller might be hedging on that commitment.
“As we step back and say, these core applications, these core brands that are so important to enterprise customers and consumers, how do we make sure that we’re thoughtful about what we’re doing on the Windows platform, as well as cognizant of the fact that there’s other devices in their lives.”
“So you’ll see us be thoughtful about how and when we bring what applications to what platforms.”
Microsoft is facing a difficult decision. On the one hand, they can keep Office as Windows-only, hoping to build a locked in ecology that will force consumers to buy Windows tablets and phones if they want Windows.
On the flip side, there’s a very real danger that that strategy will erode the Windows market if people do not buy into the Windows mobile offerings.
An interesting article. Microsoft is in a difficult position.