Scott Knaster worked for Apple back in the early days, even before the Macintosh. Here’s a blog post showing Scott finding his name on the posters Apple created containing every single employee’s name. The posters are organized chronologically and Scott’s name is on the very first poster.
That alone is cool. But Scott turned out to play a very important role in Apple and Mac history. Scott had recorded a video of Steve Jobs’ original unveiling of the Mac. You’ve no doubt seen the video. It shows Steve pulling the Mac out of the case and the Mac speaking for the first time.
The linked post tells the story of how that video came to be and how Scott rescued it from obscurity.
Right away, people were interested in seeing the video. I recorded the video over the air in 1984 from a public TV station that rebroadcast the event. Then it sat on a shelf for awhile – OK, for 20 years – until it apparently became something rare.
Great and important story.