Unwanted Google+ invitation gets man arrested

Wow. Yesterday, we posted this little doozy, Jim’s classic reaction to Google’s new default that allows people on Google+ to send you email, even if they don’t have your email address.

While digging into that story, I ran across this little gem (via FastCompany). Seems Thomas Gagnon got slapped with a restraining order by his former girlfriend. Then, a few weeks ago, she got a Google+ invite, attributed to him.

Gagnon, of 10 Wilson St., Beverly, was arrested Thursday evening at his home, 90 minutes after his former girlfriend went to the police station with a printed copy of the Google Plus invitation and the restraining order. Police agreed that the invitation violated the order, and obtained an arrest warrant.

Yikes! Gagnon claims he didn’t send the invite. Is it possible Google sent it on his behalf?

A status hearing in the case is set for Feb. 6.

Here’s hoping he’s got an attorney who knows his way around Google+.