A lot has been written about the National Radio Quiet Zone.
The United States National Radio Quiet Zone is a large area of land centered between the National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, West Virginia and the Sugar Grove Research Facility at Sugar Grove, West Virginia. The Radio Quiet Zone is a rectangle of land approximately 13,000 square miles (34,000 km2) in size that straddles the border area of Virginia and West Virginia. It includes all land with latitudes between 37° 30′ 0.4″ N and 39° 15′ 0.4″ N and longitudes between 78° 29′ 59.0″ W and 80° 29′ 59.2″ W.
Inside the quiet zone, you can’t use a cell phone, can’t use microwave oven. No wireless internet. Nothing that generates radio waves that might interfere with the giant radio telescopes at Green Bank and Sugar Grove.
I found this video charming, especially the part that describes visitors trying to deal with the fact that they can’t use their iPads and iPhones.