Feral Interactive announced Tuesday plans to release a Macintosh version of Sid Meier’s Railroads! this fall. The company stopped short of offering a specific release date.

Railroads is a re-imagining of legendary strategy game designer Sid Meier’s early success, Railroad Tycoon. The game puts you in charge of a railroad empire, where you have to lay track, connect cities, and haul goods and passengers as you wend your way through two centuries of rail history, from the earliest steam engines to modern electric and diesel locomotives, pitting your skills against the historic rail barons of the ages.
This game first saw light of day for Windows in 2006, so it’s being released under Feral’s “Feral Legends” brand, and will be priced at $29.99 when it is released through the Mac App Store and other download services.
System requirements call for a 1.8GHz Intel with 3GB RAM, 128MB or better graphics card and 10.6.8 or later. The game has specific graphics card requirements so visit the Web site for details.