Dell: fart video is parody – imitation is sincerest form of flatulence, er, flattery

Well, that was fun.

Earlier today we posted a three-minute video that depicts a supposed art photographer who uses overweight naked guys farting as his muse. On the surface it looks like a promotional video for Dell – slick enough to pass for the real thing if the subject matter weren’t so absurd. Still, folks have wondered if maybe Dell is behind it after all – maybe it’s some slick viral marketing maneuver.


Dell says it’s not involved at all. Lionel Menchaca, Dell’s chief blogger, popped by our forums a short time ago to tell us that Dell is not involved at all. A prepared statement Menchaca posted a link to reads:

This video is in no way affiliated with Dell, but it’s great to see creative professionals get inspiration from using our products. Our program is all about celebrating people who take their own professional path. Regarding this parody, we consider imitation to be the sincerest form of flattery.

So there you have it. And if you haven’t seen the video, please check it out at the link above. It’s a gutbuster.