The sorry state of tech reporting as seen by one veteran

MG Siegler, on his “Parislemon” blog:

Most of what is written about the tech world — both in blog form and old school media form — is bullshit. I won’t try to put some arbitrary label on it like 80%, but it’s a lot. There’s more bullshit than there is 100% pure, legitimate information.The problem is systemic. Print circulation is dying and pageviews are all that matter in keeping advertisers happy. This means, whether writers like it or not, there’s an underlying drive for both sensationalism and more — more — more.

Siegler’s comments are very, very cynical, but there’s more than a grain of truth to it. The tech news business has changed dramatically over the course of the past decade, as more and more emphasis has been put on page views.

I don’t share his harsh appraisal that the best are either going to fall away or “break towards the bullshit and thrive.” But an educated consumer is always going to come out on top, and that requires more critical thinking skills on the average news reader’s part.