∞ 3DS price cut won't help lack of games


“But the cut in price, while welcome, still fails to solve the single most fundamental issue with the 3DS as of July 2011: There are no damn games. The last legitimate hit was The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, but even that wasn’t enough to move a sizable number of consoles. Throughout the history of game consoles, one thing has remained true above all others: A game console without games is no game console at all.”

Ricardo Bilton’s absolutely right. A fair number of Apple pundits have used the price cut to crow about how this is a sign that Apple is superior to Nintendo, and that the iPad and iPhone are better gaming systems – that’s misguided, at best. The 3DS is a fine game system in terms of hardware, but Nintendo’s major failure here has been to get a good library together out the gate. And that’s somewhere Apple has succeeded greatly – in getting together a huge software ecosystem for its iOS hardware.