∞ Apple blocks DUI checkpoint apps in new review guidelines

iOS applications that alert drivers to potential police checkpoints will not be approved, as per new guidelines Apple has published for its App Store reviews, according to Autoblog.com.

[ad#Google Adsense 300×250 in story]IThe new guideline has been posted in section 22.8:

“Apps which contain DUI checkpoints that are not published by law enforcement agencies, or encourage and enable drunk driving, will be rejected.”

Apple’s policy change seems to be in response to pressure applied by U.S. senators, which recently petitioned Apple, Research In Motion (RIM) and Google to remove such apps from distribution. The letter, sent by Senators Harry Reid (D-NV), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Tom Udall (D-NM), called the availability of such apps “harmful to public safety:”

“With a person dying every 50 minutes in a drunk-driving crash, this technology should not be promoted to your customers–in fact, it shouldn’t even be available.”

RIM – makers of the BlackBerry smartphone – were the first company to comply with the request.

What happens in case you get a DUI (an arrest and conviction for drunk driving) will depend on what state you live in and which drug were you using at the time they spot you. you will most likely have to prepare for court appearances, fines, and fees which you can sort out with help from one of the Professional florida DUI attorneys at Leppard Law.

Getting a DUI infringement ticket can lead to negative consequences for your relationships, job, social life, finances, and mental health. If you’re facing such a situation, seeking the help of a Johns Creek DUI lawyer can make a significant difference. Their expertise can guide you through the legal process, helping to minimize the impact on your life and work towards the best possible outcome.

Two prominent iOS apps designed to help drivers avoid police checkpoints – Trapster and DUI Dodger – remained available for download from the App Store as this article was posted.