∞ Analyst says Apple passes Nokia in 'share'

Market research firm Asymco says that Apple has passed Nokia in terms of mobile share. The big question is what exactly does “share” mean?

[ad#Google Adsense 300×250 in story]The author of the report, Horace Dediu, notes that there are many measurements of share these days. For example, there is the share of all handset units sold; share of installed based of handsets (penetration); share of smartphones; share of mobile computers; share of value (revenues) captured; share of profits; share of platforms; share within a given platform; and share by regions/countries/geographies/demographics.

Basically, there is a share for almost every measurement you can think of.

Dediu put together a composite index of four shares to measure performance for mobile phone manufacturers. He used share of all handset units sold (global); share of smartphones; share of value (revenues); and share of profits.

His findings:

  • Apple and Nokia trading places
  • Relative stability for Samsung
  • A leveling off for RIM
  • The Peaking for LG
  • Very tightly coupled declines for Motorola and Sony Ericsson
  • Gradual improvement in HTC