∞ MacTech Boot Camps coming soon to Dallas, Boston

MacTech’s traveling Boot Camps are coming soon to Dallas and Boston, with events also planned in Los Angeles and Chicago. Aimed at technicians and consultants who support home users, small offices and small to medium sized businesses, these one-day events provide you with specialized Mac-specific training from industry professionals.

[ad#Google Adsense 300×250 in story]Nine sessions in the curriculum for these events include:

  • Building Your Brand: Marketing and Business Concerns
  • An Experts Guide to Working with Clients
  • Best practices: Hardware, Software and Network Deployment
  • Troubleshooting Hardware, Software and Network Problems
  • Integrating Mobility into Small Business
  • Windows Concerns in a Mac Office
  • Scripting, Storage and Protecting Oneself: Backing up, Archiving and Restoring Data
  • How to Make Remote Consulting Work for You
  • You Can’t Know Everything: Getting the Support You Need

The Dallas event happens on April 27th, with Boston planned for May 18th. Early bird tickets for Dallas have already sold out, but The Loop’s readers can get a special $200 discount – $295. (The Loop is a media sponsor of the MacTech Boot Camps.)

What’s more, MacAmerica and Future Media Concepts are offering separately scheduled Apple Certification Testing the day before the Chicago and Boston MacTech Boot Camp (normally $299, priced at $199 for MacTech Boot Camp attendees). Exams include:

  • Mac Integration Basics Exam [9L0-406]
  • Mac OS X Support Essentials v10.6 [9L0-403]
  • Mac OS X Server Essentials v10.6 [9L0-510]
  • Mac OS X Deployment v10.6 [9L0-623]
  • Mac OS X Directory Services v10.6 [9L0-624]
  • Mac OS X Security and Mobility 10.6 Exam [9L0-625]
  • ACTC v10.6 Recertification Exam [9L0-511]
  • Xsan 2 Administration [9L0-622]

Each certification test includes proctor-moderated study groups, registration for online testing, and the test itself.

Early bird pricing is still available for the Los Angeles and Chicago events, which are scheduled for July 27th and August 31st, respectively.